Signs of Trichomoniasis (Canker):
- Yellow lumps stuck in the back of the throat (although not always visible).
- Loss of condition
- Ornithosis problems
- Bad digestion
Both young and old pigeons can contract Trichomoniasis, even babies in the nest, this is why we advise fanciers to carry out a microscopy test 4 weeks prior to pairing.
In yearlings and old birds it can lead to ornithosis problems, so again we advise a microscopy test 3-4 weeks prior to their first race, also mid-season.
Ronidazole, and Carnidazole can be used under the small animal exemption.

Signs of Worms:
- Loss of condition
- Loss of weight
- Loose droppings
- Bad digestion The most common worm species found in pigeons are round worm (Ascarida Columbae) and/or hair-worms (Capillaria spp). Round worms maybe visible to the naked eye in the faeces whereas hair-worm may not be seen so easily. The eggs are easily detected by carrying out a microscopy test.
In some cases the earth worm can be an intermediate host for the Cappillaria species, making the life cycle indirect, in other cases the life cycle can be direct from pecking at the soil.
To prevent the risk of re-infestation disinfect the loft, moisten the loft with water and burn-out carefully.

Signs of Coccidiosis:
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss
- Lack of energy or motivation
- Loose droppings
Coccidiosis a common illness in pigeons, however if a low count is detected it will not effect them in any way and most adult birds will carry sufficient immunity.
A higher count can cause problems as shown above. Studies have found birds under stress i.e. racing, exhibiting etc especially young birds can suffer.
The illness is caused by the protozoa Eimeria which live in the small intestine.
A microscopy test will determine if treatment is required.